Liver Cleanse Recipes – Are you struggling with liver problems?

The liver is one of the most vital organs in our bodies. 

It is extremely important to always be eating healthy, natural foods to keep our liver in good health.

For healthy liver function, many specialists recommend cutting out processed foods, reducing intake of simple sugars, and ridding your body of toxins that may be harmful to the liver.

To decrease the accumulation of fat in your liver, be sure to check out our 7-Day Meal Plan to Detox Your Liver for tons of easy-to-prepare recipes for people with fatty liver.

But, can you reverse liver damage with a liver cleanse recipe?

Here is some liver detoxification information and recipes that support liver function.

What Can Harm Our Liver?

Diet has a lot to do with your liver health.

If you find yourself with poor liver health, manage your liver health by being watchful of unhealthy eating practices.

If your doctor recommends it, a liver cleanse diet might be in order.

One of the most damaging acts is to consistently eat processed foods, fast food, foods high in sugar, and foods high in trans fat.

These unhealthy foods can lead to unhealthy weight gain, and experts believe that extra pounds can also contribute to poor liver function.

Other potential elements that may cause liver damage are environmental toxins, blood sugar levels, acetaminophen misuse, and alcoholism.

Summary: Many factors can impact the liver, but diet is one of the most important elements in keeping your liver healthy.

What Foods are Good for the Liver?

Liver Cleanse Recipe

Instead of processed food, you want to fuel your body with whole, healthy foods that are minimally processed and hold high nutritional value.

Healthy, nutritious foods not only aid in a healthy liver, but also promote a healthy digestive tract, boost your immune system, and increase your overall health.

Some of the healthiest foods to eat during a liver cleanse are:

  • Apples
  • Beets
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Fresh fruit
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Leafy greens (a great source of folic acid; a deficiency in folic acid favors liver disease)
  • Anti-inflammatory foods
  • Whole grains (gluten-free if possible)
  • Foods with beta carotene (tomato puree, carrots, etc.)
  • Foods with vitamin C (citrus fruits, peppers, broccoli, etc.)

If the food grew in the ground and was minimally processed without refined sugar, it is likely safe to eat on a liver detox.

Drink Raw Vegetable Juice!

For that matter, drink all of your juices raw.

Instead of buying a carton of sugary juice at the store, which can spike your blood sugar, drink raw vegetable juice or fresh grapefruit juice instead

Even the “sugar-free” juices are not as healthy as fresh juices; they undergo chemical processes during production and are devoid of any antioxidants.

If you drink apple juice, and it is not fresh-pressed, you may be drinking loads of access refined sugar.

Using a juicer and drinking raw juice will always be healthier than store-bought juices with chemicals or preservatives inside. 

Once you purchase your juicer of choice, you will forever have freshly-squeezed juices at your will.

Summary: Whole, natural foods with high nutritional value are the best foods for the liver. Drinking raw pressed juices can add even more vitamins to your daily routine.

Having an Active Lifestyle


Regular exercise can help to detox your liver.

When you burn fat through exercise, you can burn triglycerides for fuel while decreasing fat in the liver.

If you do not have an active lifestyle, fat can accumulate in your liver.

This chance is raised if you are also eating mostly junk foods without vitamins, nutrients, and protein

Summary: Along with diet, exercise and having an active lifestyle aids in liver function.

Avoiding Toxins

If you are in need of a liver detox, you also may need to think about the toxins in your environment

Household cleaners, insecticides, chemicals, and aerosol sprays all have toxins that can impede your liver from functioning properly.

These toxins damage liver cells with repeated exposure.

To keep yourself safe while using cleaning products, make sure you have plenty of ventilation and wear a mask if need be. 

Another toxin you should avoid in your liver cleanse is tobacco.

Smoking enhances any liver damage, as well as damage to other vital organs. 

Summary: Toxins from household items can cause a few health issues, so use chemicals in a well-ventilated area or wear a protective mask and gloves when cleaning.

Liver Detox and Alcohol

Excessive alcohol use can be detrimental to your health. 

During a liver cleanse, it is recommended that you abstain from alcohol during that time. 

Alcoholic beverages over time can destroy or scar healthy liver cells, leading to some nasty illnesses.

Liver detox recipes can help add back health benefits in your diet, even after liver damage from alcohol.

However, liver damage is not fully reversible. 

Changing your diet and limiting alcohol will only prevent further damage.

Summary: Alcohol abuse and the liver are directly related. If you are on a liver cleanse, avoid alcohol throughout the process.

Processed Foods and Detoxing the Liver

To fully detox your liver, you will need to let go of foods that cause toxins in your body.

Unfortunately, heavily processed foods, sugary foods, fried food, fast food, and baked goods all fall within this category. 

Keep your liver healthy by avoiding the drive-thru at all costs

Foods that are high in saturated fat, salt, and sugar are not only detrimental to the liver, but many other organs.

Also, foods that are devoid of fiber negatively impact liver health.

Processed, fast foods are high in fat, and our stomachs do not digest fat as well as whole, natural foods. 

Unhealthy processed foods also lack essential fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Many of these junk foods are filled with hydrogenated oils and trans fats, which are unhealthy fats that cause inflammation and other health risks.

Instead, your body craves healthy fats, such as monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids which come from salmon, flax, avocado, and other healthy foods.

To enjoy the full benefits of a liver cleanse, stay away from chips, french fries, soda, cakes, cookies, burgers, fried food, and all other processed food for the duration of your cleanse.

Summary: Processed and fast food should be avoided on any health journey, and are especially damaging to the liver.

DIY Tips to Cleanse the Liver

Here are a few small steps in taking control of your liver health that you can make at home.

  • Include plenty of fresh produce in your diet
  • Drink lots of water
  • Limit salt and sodium intake
  • Engage in physical exercise 3-4 hours per week
  • Enjoy fiber-rich foods
  • Limit sugar intake

If you are looking for a healthy diet plan to stick to, the Mediterranean Diet is a popular meal plan that many love for its high nutrient intake and a wide variety of foods.

Summary: There are quite a few steps you can take to cleanse your liver on a daily basis. Sticking to a healthy meal plan is half the battle.

Can a Liver Cleanse Reverse Liver Damage?

While a liver cleanse can help release toxins and get you feeling better, there is no evidence to support that cleanses can reverse existing liver damage.

Different liver diseases have their severities, so your doctor will be the best person to recommend treatment and liver support.

Liver cleanses cannot replace medical treatment, although they can help prevent further damage. 

Fueling your body with natural foods that your body can digest easily can improve some symptoms of liver disease.

Summary: Most liver damage is non-reversible, however, you can prevent further damage through diet and lifestyle change.

Liver Cleanse Recipe

A Liver Cleanse Recipe for Everyone

Our liver cleanse recipes have been evaluated by our registered nutritionist to ensure they use ingredients that support healthy liver function.

Each recipe has also been tested by me to make sure they are 100% delicious.


Detox Green Machine Soup

A veggie and herb-based soup is sure to make you feel great. This blender soup only utilizes the healthiest ingredients for the liver, and you can make it ahead of time to save yourself some energy later on.

Detox Green Machine Soup
Lean, mean, and green! This recipe is packed with green vegetables and herbs that are puréed into a healthy detoxifying soup. It’s a low-calorie meal and yet it’ll make you feel fuller for a longer time, making it super weight-loss-friendly!
Check out this recipe
Detox Green Machine Soup Recipe

If your liver cleanse is happening during the warmer months, you may want a nice cool salad that is light and refreshing.

Detox Cleanse Salad

This vegan salad is packed with ingredients that have high nutritional content. Seeds, veggies, fruits, and a dressing with raw honey and lemon juice make this the best crunchy salad ever!

Detox Cleanse Salad
This bright and vegan-friendly salad recipe is packed with nutrients and weight-loss properties, making it a perfect light meal to help you get back on track whenever you feel lethargic or when you’ve eaten a whole bunch of empty calories or junk food over the weekend.
Check out this recipe
Detox Cleanse Salad Recipe

When I want a light lunch or dinner, I love to throw some veggies on the grill. This next recipe is simple yet scrumptious.

Lemon Parsley Grilled Zucchini

This perfect grilled zucchini dish is vegan but eats like a steak! A zucchini “steak” that is perfectly seasoned with lemon and parsley is sure to satisfy your hunger.

Lemon Parsley Grilled Zucchini
This paleo-friendly and Whole 30 compliant recipe features an umami taste that pairs well with any savory specialties, making it the perfect side dish to any grilled, roasted, or broiled meats. Vegan or vegetarian? No problem! It’s the perfect source of umami or meaty flavor without actual meat. Totally versatile and guilt-free!
Check out this recipe
Lemon Parsley Grilled Zucchini Recipe

Perhaps you already have your favorite salad ingredients that you rarely shy away from. No worries! Try this salad dressing along with your favorite greens for a fabulous citrusy salad.

Citrus Vinaigrette

Ever wanted to combine every citrus juice together? This salad dressing does just that! With grapefruit, lemon, lime, and orange juices, this vinaigrette will pucker your lips and dress your greens beautifully.

Citrus Vinaigrette
A wonderful salad dressing that features a fantastic citrus flavor from the juices of freshly squeezed fruits. It’s a refreshing dressing that can easily jazz up any regular salad. Perfect for those hot summer days and nights!
Check out this recipe
Citrus Vinaigrette Recipe

Start your morning off with a fruity smoothie filled with antioxidants and nutrients for your liver flush.

Tutti Frutti Smoothie

If you love fruit, you will love this smoothie! Berries, pineapple, and orange juice combine with fresh mint for a refreshing vitamin boost.

Tutti-Frutti Smoothie
A fruity smoothie that uses fresh and wholesome ingredients. It’s loaded with antioxidants and fiber too! A perfect refreshing treat to beat the summer heat!
Check out this recipe
Tutti-Frutti Smoothie Recipe

Even on a liver flush, you will still need to have snacks. Try this next recipe with fresh veggies for a filling and fibrous snack.

Gluten-Free Tomato Salsa

This slow-cooked salsa is totally gluten free and tastes just like your favorite Mexican restaurant! Serve with jicama chips or veggies for a perfect vegetarian snack.

Gluten-Free Tomato Salsa Recipe
A slow-cooked and gluten-free salsa recipe! If you’re in for a pulpier and tastier salsa, this recipe is sure to please you! And while it takes an hour to make, it’s a simple and super easy recipe that uses natural ingredients. Definitely worth the wait!
Check out this recipe
Gluten-Free Tomato Salsa Recipe

Avocado is not only a superfood, but it makes for smooth and creamy smoothies. Feel free to use avocado in any smoothie!

Blueberry Avocado Smoothie

Green smoothies look and taste amazing! This smoothie has tons of omega-3 fatty acids from the avocado and antioxidants from blueberries.

Blueberry Avocado Smoothie
This creamy mousse-like smoothie will certainly be your new favorite! Thanks to the avocados that not only adds an irresistible texture, but they also provide protein, healthy fats, vitamins and antioxidants.
Check out this recipe
Blueberry Avocado Smoothie Recipe

On the evenings you’re craving a decadent meal, look no further for the ultimate comfort food, even on a liver cleanse.

Gluten-Free and Vegan Eggplant Lasagne

Instead of noodles, this amazing lasagne recipe uses thinly sliced eggplant along with a rich tomato sauce and herbs.

Gluten-Free and Vegan Eggplant Lasagne
A festive, healthy, and flavorful recipe that’s perfect for any holiday celebration! The use of zucchini and Japanese eggplant in replacement of the traditional lasagna noodles makes this gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian lasagne recipe an absolute winner.
Check out this recipe
gluten-free and vegan eggplant lasagne

There is no such thing as too many vegetables, as displayed in our next liver cleanse recipe.

Veggie Platter with Tzatziki

Fresh crisp veggies are served on a platter with homemade tzatziki, a traditional Greek cucumber sauce commonly found on gyros.

Veggie Platter with Tzatziki Dip
Indeed, there’s nothing better than a dish that’s filled with colorful and fresh vegetables. Top that with a tangy and subtly pungent Tzatziki dip and you’ll be sure to have a wonderful, light, and so refreshing appetizer or snack. Not to mention that it’s gluten-free, vegetarian, and incredibly healthy! Perfect to be served during any parties, gatherings, or holiday celebrations!
Check out this recipe
Veggie Platter with Tzatziki Dip

There is nothing like a warm vinaigrette to make the perfect dinner salad. Try this one with healthy apple cider vinegar!

Butternut Squash with Warm Cider Vinaigrette

The best dinner salad ever! Sweet and savory, crunchy and smooth, this salad is perfect for anytime of year and is the perfect dish for a liver detox.

Roasted Butternut Squash Salad with Warm Cider Vinaigrette
A perfect holiday salad recipe that uses a non-traditional, warm cider vinaigrette. It’s vibrant, fresh, and it provides two textures at the same time: starchy and crunchy. Thus, it makes a great in-between meal after a hearty soup and a crunchy appetizer or main entrée. The best part is, it’s loaded with healthy fats, fiber, anti-inflammatory properties, and yet it’s lower in calories!
Check out this recipe
Roasted Butternut Squash Salad with Warm Cider Vinaigrette

Want a quick detox recipe for your liver cleanse and after? Keep this soup in your recipe box!

Detox Vegetable Soup

Detox Vegetable Soup is a flavorful addition to your liver detox meal plan. It has so many different vegetables for a high nutritional content and a boost of vitamins after the holidays or a night of fun.

Detox Vegetable Soup
Sometimes, we can’t help but eat empty calories or junk foods, especially during the holiday season. However, we most likely feel guilty and regretful afterward, when we’re already lethargic. This easy detox recipe is all you need to remove all those toxins and get back on track as soon as possible. It’s light, hearty, and flavorful, yet it’s easy to make and highly nutritious.
Check out this recipe
Detox Vegetable Soup

Earthy beets are one of the most nutritional superfoods. Enjoy this intensely colored smoothie any time of day.

Heart Beet Smoothie

Good for your heart and soul, this smoothie leverages beets and apples to contribute to heart health and to detox your liver.

The Heart Beet
An earthy, citrusy-sweet detoxifying beverage that not only shreds off some fat, but also focuses on your cardiovascular system. This drink can lower down your cholesterol level, thereby preventing the risk of heart diseases. The lemons in this recipe also increases your metabolism while the apples reduce bloatedness.
Check out this recipe
The Heart Beet Recipe

Just because you’re on a cleanse doesn’t mean you can’t have some comfort food. This next dish proves it!

Spaghetti Squash and Marinara

Comforting spaghetti squash is seasoned and topped with a homemade fresh marinara sauce for a warm and savory supper that your liver will love.

Tasty Spaghetti Squash Marinara
This recipe is so good that you won't even notice that you're not eating a semolina pasta! It's also a great low-carb alternative that surprisingly provides a good amount of protein and vitamin A.
Check out this recipe
Tasty Spaghetti Squash Marinara Recipe

Who doesn’t love hot soup? This soup is one of the healthiest lentil soup recipes we have ever developed!

Vegan Red Lentil Mediterranean Soup

This recipe leverages red lentils into a soup that is truly filling and fantastic. You can prep this soup ahead of time to make your daily routine seamless.

Vegan Red Lentil Mediterranean Soup
Super easy and incredibly delicious, this healthy red lentil soup is seasoned with Mediterranean spices! Vegan, Gluten-free, Mediterranean, and DASH. Perfect for meal planning. Rainbow colors:
Check out this recipe
Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

Salmon provides so many healthy fats that the liver needs. Season it up with a flavorful glaze and you have a restaurant-quality meal at home.

Salmon with Honey Ginger Garlic Glaze

Sweet, savory, and slightly spicy, this salmon glaze caramelizes on top of the salmon creating a flavorful crust on the outside.

Salmon with Honey Ginger Garlic Glaze
The combination of honey, ginger, and garlic complement this tender salmon really well with layers of sweet and savory flavors. You can enjoy this dish with a simple salad or some fluffy rice. It’s quick and easy to prepare, perfect for busy days, or those days when you just can’t be bothered to make a huge mess in the kitchen. Prep Time 10 minutes
Check out this recipe
fatty liver diet menu

Pho normally takes 12 hours to make, but this healthy liver cleanse recipe uses the Instant Pot to cook in just 1 hour!

Healthy Instant Pot Pho Recipe

This Asian-inspired chicken soup is highly flavorful from charred ginger and uses the Instant Pot for a seamless and easy dinner recipe.

Healthy Instant Pot Pho
A traditional Vietnamese dish made easy! This chicken pho recipe can be done at home using an Instant Pot. Low-calorie, gluten-free, and oh so yummy!
Check out this recipe
Healthy Instant Pot Pho

Even though the craze surrounding kale is over, it still remains one of the healthiest superfoods to include in your liver detox.

Kale and Quinoa Bowl

Gluten-free quinoa and antioxidant-rich quinoa combines with a yummy garlic dressing to make a family-friendly detox recipe perfect for any day of the week.

Kale and Quinoa Bowl
This is a quick and easy meal that is a hit with both the kids and parents. This is a perfect way to add those servings of vegetables to your day. The fluffy and crunchy quinoa pairs perfectly with the kale. Throw in some bell peppers, chickpeas, cucumber, and spices to give some dimension. The garlic dressing can be paired to other salads too!
Check out this recipe
fatty liver menu

With salmon being one of my favorite proteins, I tend to use it a lot. Here it is with a fabulous salad on the side.

Mediterranean Salmon and Vegetable Quinoa Salad

Salmon, veggies, and quinoa are all healthy on their own, but combined they create a delicious well-rounded meal!

Mediterranean Salmon and Vegetable Quinoa Salad
This complete meal would not disappoint! For just half an hour, you'll have a tender-juicy and moist oven-baked salmon that's perfectly combined with a healthy quinoa salad for extra texture and flavor! A Mediterranean treat indeed!
Check out this recipe
Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

Beets are one of the healthiest foods ever, so we are ending on a nutritious note. Don’t exclude beets from your liver detox!

Beet Smoothie Bowl

This beautifully colored smoothie bowl has varied textures and flavors. Start your day off right with nutrition in a bowl!

Beet Smoothie Bowl
Simple, delicious, versatile… there is much to love in a smoothie bowl. As a bowl, you can add toppings and eat it with a spoon. Or, blend your toppings into the mix and drink it all as a smoothie. Gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, and kid-friendly. Beets are not keto friendly, but work fine with Whole30 and Atkins once you are past the initial phases of those diets. On the phytonutrient spectrum it is red. Loaded with antioxidants and superfoods.
Check out this recipe
Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

Helpful Related Information

A liver detox can be difficult to adhere to if you are not used to eating healthy.

There are quite a few additional tools that make all of these recipes easier and more attainable.

A pressure cooker might be one of the best kitchen tools due to its ease and convenience.

Check out our three favorite pressure cookers to make tons of the recipes above!

For your best smoothie recipes ever, you will want a blender known for making amazing smoothies, which you can read about here.

If you are new to cooking for yourself, we get it.

Some folks do not have stocked kitchen appliances since they simply do not cook.

If you are cooking for the first time on your liver detox and need tools, read about all of the kitchen essentials you’ll need for under $500 total!

If you have been diagnosed with fatty liver, this diet plan may help positively influence your health and put you on the right track to healthier days.

Cleanse Your Body, Cleanse Your Soul

In the end, transforming your health for the sake of your liver health is attainable with a liver cleanse.

By integrating healthy foods and cutting out the unhealthy stuff, you will not only take control of your liver health but also your overall well-being.

We hope that these liver cleanse recipes help you to feel better, have more energy, and allow you to continue your everlasting health journey.

Reducing refined sugar, cutting out processed foods, and cleansing the body of toxins is a great place to start.

Keep us updated on your health journey by leaving a comment down below!

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Hi! I’m Mike. I’m happily married and have a young daughter. I’ve lived all over the world and have learned a lot from seeing others’ perspectives. I’ve also had many life altering health challenges. Fortunately, my lovely and brilliant wife helped save me by finding a new and better way for us to live. We started The Healthy Treehouse to share what we’ve learned and to learn from others, too.