12 Easy Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a challenging endeavor that feels like an impossible challenge. We all know that regular exercise and a well-rounded diet are the keys to success, but remaining consistent is hard.

Juicing is a relatively new method that can help accelerate weight loss, if you drink the right ones, and will delight your taste buds, helping you keep a healthy focus. 

Commercially available juices, though, tend to have extra sugars and chemicals added to them, making them less than ideal.

To help, we’ve created 12 easy juicing recipes for weight loss that are delicious, easy to make, and super healthy.

I’ve had my own struggles with managing my weight over the years, but I’ve learned it really doesn’t have to be that hard.

All it takes to kickstart your new juicing program is a handful of delicious recipes that can balance your nutritional needs. 

Our 12 easy juice recipes for slimming down include:

Green Juice Recipes

  1. The Going Green Juice
  2. Feeling Fresh
  3. The Expressway
  4. The American Blitz
  5. The Chill Pill
  6. The Complete Clean Juice

Red Juice Recipes

  1. All About the Roots Cleanse
  2. The Breakfast Blend
  3. The Firefighter
  4. The Heart Beet

Orange Juice Recipes

  1. Mega Detox
  2. The Spa Treatment

Commonly Asked Questions About a Juice Diet

Can You Lose Weight by Juicing?

It’s certainly possible to shed those excess pounds by juicing

Studies have shown that a three-day juice-based diet affected the microbiota, or gut bacteria, that’s associated with weight loss and increased the overall well-being of the individual.

How Can I Lose Weight Fast With Juicing?

The fastest way to slim down using this method is by going on a juicing diet, juice cleanse, or fast

You can choose between consuming nothing except for juices of fruits and vegetables for three days, or you can take on a seven-day challenge where juicing supplements your primary source of nutrition, so you can eat less during the fast.

Be sure to discuss this with your medical professional before starting.

A seven-day plan will look something like this:

How Much Weight Can You Lose If You Juice for a Week?

Juicing is a low-calorie affair that can lead to rapid fat loss based on your body type and commitment to the process.

Proponents of juicing for weight loss say that it’s possible to lose 10 pounds a week, but no proper studies have been done on this topic.

The Recipes

We have broken up our juice recipes into color categories for easy navigation, beginning with the Green Juices, followed by the Red Juices, and lastly the Orange Juices. All of these vibrant juice recipes are delicious, and great for your health.

I suggest making a large batch of the juice in the morning, then storing them in individual portions in the refrigerator for easy use during the day. I place them in mason jars since I have copious amounts of these, but you can use juice bottles if you like.

juicing recipes for weight loss

The Green Juices Recipes

The Going Green Juice

  • One bunch of chopped kale or spinach
  • Four whole celery sticks
  • Two large apples
  • One large orange
  • One-inch of peeled ginger
  • One large cucumber
  • One spoon of natural honey


Green juices are those that have a heavy vegetable base and are known to be some of the healthiest options when juicing. The celery that’s featured in this juice is one of the best natural antioxidant agents around. It’s also known to be packed with vitamin K, folate, vitamin C, potassium, and vitamin A.

To make this classic green health drink, wash and clean the vegetables and fruits before slicing them into small pieces. Begin by placing the celery, spinach, and apples in the juicer and blending them evenly.

Next, you can add the orange, ginger, and cucumber and mix a spoonful of honey to act as a sweetening agent. Empty the mix into a glass, and your Hulk of a green juice is good to go!

The Going Green Juice
This recipe has the perfect balance of fruits and vegetables that are known to provide many health benefits. While apples and oranges are naturally sweet by themselves, adding a teaspoon of raw honey ends the mixture with a caramel flavor.
Check out this recipe
The Going Green Juice Recipe

Feeling Fresh

  • Two stalks of celery.
  • Three cups of spinach.
  • One teaspoon of dried spirulina.
  • One full beetroot.


Have you woken up feeling sluggish and not quite yourself? This is a helpful recipe for a juice that not only helps you shed some pounds but also doubles up as a remedy for your mind and body.

Spinach is a great cooling agent for your stomach, which is why it’s heavily featured in this mix. It can help aid digestion and acts as a natural nourisher for your stomach. 

The beetroot in the juice works its usual cleansing magic, allowing the toxins to pour out from your blood and liver, leaving you feeling refreshed and relieved. The complete blend helps clean out your system first before it can begin with your fat burning process.

You cannot find an easier recipe with such powerful after-effects if you tried! All you need to do to make this juice is chop the beetroot, celery, and spinach into small portions and mix them in your juicer. You can add a teaspoon of dried spirulina right at the end, give the juice one last blitz, and serve the beverage chilled.

Feeling Fresh
Need to escape from that lazy day? This recipe will not only shed you some pounds but it’ll also give you the energy you need to battle that lethargy! Feel refreshed and light in no time!
Check out this recipe
Feeling Fresh Recipe

The Expressway

  • Four medium apples
  • Two kale leaves
  • One whole peeled lime
  • Four cups of spinach
  • Three stalks of celery


We’ve already discussed the many fat-burning benefits of apples, but did you know that they are also a potent natural laxative? Their laxative properties are known to multiply when mixed with vegetables, which explains the presence of spinach, celery, and kale in this mix.

You can use this to regulate your bodily functions with incredible ease, and having regular bowel movements helps your body break down the relevant nutrients and minerals effectively. This drink also negates the bloating sensation you experience during constipation.

You can make this valuable beverage by chopping up the apple, celery, and lemon into chunks and adding it to your juicer. Next, add the washed kale, spinach, and celery to the mix and continue juicing until you achieve an even texture. You can garnish the final blend with lemon for added flavor.

The Expressway
This recipe has many fat-burning properties that support weight loss. On top of that, it also alleviates bloatedness by breaking down some relevant nutrients and minerals effectively. So, the next time you're suffering from constipation, try this recipe instead.
Check out this recipe
The Expressway Recipe

The American Blitz

  • One whole lemon
  • Four kale leaves
  • Two medium apples
  • One whole cucumber
  • Two cups of spinach


This is a famous American recipe that has long been considered one of the tastiest beverages to help you slim down. It relies on the fat-burning capabilities of lemon and the nourishing contribution of cucumber to help you burn some calories and work on your skin radiance.

The combination of apple, cucumber, and lemon comes together nicely to create a delectable beverage as well. This drink can be prepared by slicing the apples and cucumber into juicer-friendly sizes and allowing it to mix evenly in the device. 

You can add the lemon, spinach, and kale to the juicer at this point and continue juicing until the output is even. Add some ice to a large glass and this crowd favorite is now ready to serve.

The American Blitz
A popular American recipe that has long been considered as one of the best and most flavorful beverages to help you burn fat. It’s refreshing and light, with a little bit of tangy-sweet kick into it. Perfect for a summer treat!
Check out this recipe
The American Blitz Recipe

The Chill Pill

  • Two stalks of celery
  • One whole cucumber
  • Two medium apples
  • Five kale leaves
  • ½ a lemon
  • A handful of parsley
  • Two whole oranges


This recipe is known to lower your blood pressure while simultaneously helping you lose weight as well. This is also one of those drinks that can be consumed at any point during the day for a refreshing effect.

The use of kale as an ingredient helps keep the calorie count low, while the combination of kale and lime is known to aid the fat-burning process. Celery is yet another vital ingredient in this mix and is a crucial element in lowering your blood pressure.

You can make this versatile drink by chopping the kale and parsley and adding diced pieces of apple, cucumber, lemon, celery, and orange in the juicer. Blitz this combination until you achieve the desired texture, and serve with a slice of lemon for added flavor.

The Chill Pill
The duo of kale and lemon has been long noted for their fat-burning properties. However, this recipe will not only help you lose weight but it’ll also lower down your blood pressure level. It’s a refreshing beverage that can be taken at any point of the day, whether it’s for a quick breakfast, a light lunch or dinner, an afternoon snack, a pre-post workout, or even dessert.
Check out this recipe
The Chill Pill Recipe
juicing recipes for weight loss

The Red Juice Recipes

These delicious juices get their color from various ingredients with a reddish hue, such as beetroot, sweet potato, and carrot.

The Complete Clean Juice

  • Two stalks of celery
  • Eight mid-sized carrots
  • One whole beet
  • Three cups of spinach
  • One medium apple


One of the most important benefits of going on a juice diet is the cleansing aspect of the entire experience. A great juice cleanse can reboot your system and make you feel entirely refreshed and energized. This recipe is a classic example of a cleansing juice.

The use of carrots and beets in the recipe is designed to work on your liver, thereby boosting your metabolism in the process. Spinach is a high-fiber vegetable that will heal, repair, and rejuvenate your stomach to help you fight constipation and bloating.

As this recipe is vegetable-heavy, you will receive a lot of vitamins in your system instead of the sugar that’s often gained from consuming too many fruits. This is quickly and effortlessly absorbed by your bloodstream, enabling you to slim down with greater ease.

This is an easy juice to make as well. All you need to do is chop all the ingredients into manageable portions and add them to your juicer. Allow this combination to mix well before adding some ice and serving cold. 

The Complete Clean Juice
A great recipe to boost your metabolism! Thanks to the carrots and beets that helps with that process. Top that with some fresh spinach and you’ve got a fiber-enriched beverage that not only will make you feel full for longer hours but also helps in battling bloatedness and constipation.
Check out this recipe
The Complete Clean Juice Recipe

All About the Roots Cleanse

  • One full sweet potato
  • One whole beetroot
  • Six large carrots


This is a minimalistic recipe that can yield tremendous results in the long run. The process powering the success of this recipe is diuretics — the use of any substance that stimulates the liver and increases the production of urine.

Beetroot is one such vegetable that helps cleanse your liver and creates a healthy flush of the system. The use of carrot juice greatly assists the beetroot in this recipe as it reduces the natural water retention of your body and helps in eliminating any excess fluids from your system.

When you’re feeling sluggish or flushed, this is the juice that can help you feel better and lighter almost immediately. 

You can prepare this recipe by first inserting the beetroot into your juice and allowing it to blitz until you have an even liquid. You can now add your peeled and chopped sweet potato to the blend, and give it one more proper blitz before adding the diced carrots.

All About the Roots Cleanse
This recipe is going to be your best friend when you’re feeling sluggish or lethargic! It’ll detoxify our body easily by removing any toxins and excess fluids from our system, making us feel lighter and better in no time!
Check out this recipe
All About the Roots Cleanse Recipe

The Breakfast Blend

  • Two medium apples
  • Six medium carrots
  • Two medium beets
  • ½ a lemon
  • One-inch piece of ginger


The most important ingredient in this mix is the apples that are extremely rich in dietary fiber. Consuming dietary fiber is known to have numerous health benefits and is a major component in the weight loss process.

See the value of consuming apples in this video:

The blend of apples, carrots, and beets is known to be highly energizing, and this would be an excellent drink to kickstart your day. Just slice the fruits and vegetables into smaller pieces, squeeze the lime juice into the mix, and add some ginger for flavor to create this nutritious and invigorating beverage.

The Breakfast Blend
The Breakfast Blend juice is slightly sweet and perfectly balanced, with some serious kick from the ginger. If you're not a fan of ginger, you can omit it. Feel free to add kale, spinach, or other greens to taste.
Check out this recipe
juice cleanse - The Breakfast Blend beets carrots lemons apples

The Firefighter

  • ½ a lime
  • One whole jalapeno
  • Two cups of spinach
  • Five large carrots
  • One whole beetroot
  • Two stalks of celery
  • One-inch piece of ginger


Almost all the juices to lose weight mentioned so far are universally loved blends that are difficult to dislike. This recipe, however, is not for the faint of heart, and it has some serious kick courtesy of the jalapeno.

The spice in the chili is known to assist in losing weight, and this is an underused tactic when making fruit and vegetable juices. Ginger is yet another vital ingredient in this mix, allowing you to improve your overall digestive process and help you reduce bloating.

Although this juice has a complicated flavor, it is surprisingly easy to make at home. You first need to chop up the celery, beetroot, and carrots together and juice these ingredients into a consistent liquid. 

You can now add the jalapeno, ginger root, spinach, and lime to this blend before giving it one last run in your juicer and serving it with some red hot courage.

To keep the flavor turned up, but the spice turned down, try this lemony delight.

The Firefighter
Battle your laziness with this recipe! An earthy-sweet beverage with a spicy kick that will surely increase your metabolism. Thanks to the combination of ginger, beets, and jalapeños that works perfectly. Now, you can feel energized without even noticing that you’re melting down your fats! And if you’re bloated or constipated, this juice helps too!
Check out this recipe
The Firefighter Recipe

The Heart Beet

  • Two whole peeled oranges
  • One medium apple
  • One whole beetroot
  • 12 medium carrots
  • ½ a lemon


We have a lot of juices focused on creating cleansing your liver, but this magic blend is focused entirely on your heart and cardiovascular system. Carrots have been featured in this recipe to serve this exact purpose, helping you lower your cholesterol levels and reducing any risk of heart ailments.

Lemon juice is an excellent ingredient to help clean your digestive tract, thereby allowing you to process and metabolize your food at a greater speed. The use of apples helps those who suffer from constipation and the occasional bloating feeling.

The overall blend is extremely rich in vitamin C, and this helps with improved fat oxidation, specifically in your midsection. You can make this miracle juice by peeling and chopping the oranges, before you add lemon, carrots, apples, and beetroot to the mix. Stir the whole concoction well before you are ready to serve. 

The Heart Beet
An earthy, citrusy-sweet detoxifying beverage that not only shreds off some fat, but also focuses on your cardiovascular system. This drink can lower down your cholesterol level, thereby preventing the risk of heart diseases. The lemons in this recipe also increases your metabolism while the apples reduce bloatedness.
Check out this recipe
The Heart Beet Recipe
Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss

The Orange Juice Recipe

These vibrant varying juices are orange in color and have ingredients such as orange, pineapple, lemon, and apples.

Mega Detox

  • Two leaves of red cabbage
  • Three medium carrots
  • ½ a lemon
  • One whole beet
  • One whole orange
  • ½ a pineapple
  • A handful of spinach


We have discussed some detoxing juices previously in this article, but this recipe is by far the king of all detoxes. The combination of beets, cabbage, spinach, and pineapple will work wonders on your blood and liver, removing some serious toxicity before working on the fat-burning process.

Beetroot, apart from its cleansing properties, is known to also improve your energy levels and overall endurance, which is probably why you’ll end up feeling 10 pounds lighter after ingesting this blend.

You can make this juice for weight loss by first chopping the beetroot, cabbage, carrots, orange, and pineapple into small portions and placing in your juicer. Add the lemon and spinach to the mix and give it a final twirl. Your ultimate detox is now good to go down the hatchet!

Mega Detox
Feel 10 pounds lighter as soon as you drink this beverage! This recipe is the king of all detoxifying drinks, working wonders on removing toxins from our body before burning off some fats!
Check out this recipe
juicing recipes for weight loss

The Spa Treatment

  • Three stalks of celery
  • Three apples
  • ½ cucumber
  • Four kale leaves
  • One whole peeled orange
  • One whole lemon


An excellent juice can be as refreshing and nourishing as a spa treatment, and that’s the entire purpose of this blend. The use of cucumber instills silica in your system that helps moisturize your skin and strengthen your epidermis.

The apples boost your vitamin A and C levels, and these are known to liven up your overall skin tone as well. This is complimented by the celery and orange that add greater freshness and vibrancy to your skin. You even have a fat burning agent in the mix thanks to a healthy helping of lemon juice.

You can make this incredible beverage by first placing the celery, apples, kale, and orange in your juicer, and topping off the combo with some lemon and cucumber.

The Spa Treatment
A refreshing and nourishing juice that will make you feel that you’re in a spa treatment! Indeed, not only that this beverage will help you in your weight loss journey, but it’ll also give you excellent amounts of vitamins and minerals that’ll moisturize and strengthen your skin!
Check out this recipe
The Spa Treatment Recipe

Related Helpful Information

In addition to providing recipes, we have completed testing and research to determine the best masticating juicer in order to assist you in finding an appliance that fits your needs.

When testing the best masticating models, we determined that the AmzChef Slow Masticating Juicer Extractor was the best juicer currently in this market.

If you are a beginner in the juicing world and want to get started, we also completed a round of testing for the best juicer for beginners.

We tested a large number of juicers for beginners, and we found that the Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite is the best money can buy for this demographic.

12 Easy Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss

Get Those Juices Flowing

For the longest time, the process of losing weight and gaining health has been associated with various trials and tribulations.

It almost seemed impossible that one could enjoy the process of getting in shape, but juicing has changed this dynamic dramatically.

You can now use a juicer to create some unique juice recipes that are equally delicious and easy to consume. 

The juicer recipes for weight loss offered in this roundup are some of the easiest around and should help you launch into your new life as a full-time juicer. 

Now go get your juice cleanse on!

Recommended products

Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite


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Hi! I am Liam. I write about health and parenting. I love life! And, you should, too. I've been blessed in more ways than I can count.